Congratulations on the birth of your new baby!!

Baptism is a great gift to give to your child. It welcomes them into the parish faith community founded on Christ’s love for us all. It is with great joy that all are invited into the family of the parish through baptism.
We are delighted with the opportunity this provides to meet with the families concerned and we work hard to ensure that the ceremony itself will be both relaxed and memorable for all.

Documentation / Requirements

State Birth Certificate
Application Form – must be completed in full. Legal names of all individuals – child,
parents/guardians and godparents must be used.
Pre-Baptism Meeting
Both the State Birth Certificate and the Application Form are to be brought to the
Pre-Baptism Meeting.
Letter of Permission – If living outside Moynalvey Parish, you will also need a letter
of permission from your own parish.

must have made their Confirmation
be committed to the practice of their faith
attend the pre-Baptism meeting, if possible


The preparation of the children and their families for this special occasion is organised and run in conjunction with our local primary schools


Confirmation celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit. In the Acts of the Apostles chapter 2, verses 1 to 13, we read of the Apostles receiving the Holy Spirit. They had been hiding after Jesus’ death, afraid and uncertain. The coming of the Holy Spirit with his gifts inspired them and enabled them to take the step of preaching the good news.

We are made members of God’s family at Baptism. At Confirmation, our Baptism is completed or “sealed” by the Holy Spirit and we are called to be Christian witnesses, just like the apostles. The whole of our Christian living and the life of the Church, too, are sustained by the same Spirit.


Book your Pre-Marriage course
Courses are run throughout the year but are generally limited to ten couples so early booking is advisable. ‘Accord’ (The Catholic Dublin Diocesan Agency for Marriage) run courses in a number of centres throughout a number of centres in the diocese. In the Dublin area, phone 01- 4784400, online at (email: to book a course in the nearest centre to you. Inter-Church courses are also available where the catholic party is marrying a person from another faith tradition.

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